
Ryan Henley
  • Assistant Researcher, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities
  • Research Aide, Research and Training Center on Independent Living

Maria Hugh, a woman with curly, shoulder-length hair, wearing a tan-colored coat over a zebra-striped shirt.
  • KUCDD Affiliated Investigator, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education

Karrie Shogren
  • Director, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities
  • Associate Director, Beach Center on Disability
  • Senior Scientist, Life Span Institute
  • Professor, Department of Special Education
  • Ross and Marianna Beach Distinguished Professor in Special Education

Sean Swindler
  • Project Manager, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities
  • Director of Community Program Development and Evaluation, Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training