Project COOL: Coaching On Learning for UDL Implementation

Project Description


Dr. Kathleen Zimmerman Tuck will support research alignment and quality assurance of coaching and training materials and fidelity of model implementation. Dr. Tuck will also engage in and support formative data collection and analysis in the context of single case research designs that will help the internal design team with performance and continuous feedback. The grant would also be used in supporting design of online training materials, reliability and fidelity data analysis during single case evaluations, and some local site management.


  • 2020-2021

Target Audience

  • Self-Advocates


  • Center for Applied Science Technology IN

Project Status

  • Completed



  • Kathleen Zimmerman Tuck, PhD., BCBA-D

    Principle Investigator (PI)

    Kathleen Zimmerman Tuck, PhD., BCBA-D